Travel Alberta Video

This Travel Alberta video was released back in the spring, but I just got my hands on it last week. I am so proud to be part of such a vibrant arts community and feel lucky to have been included in this stirring video. It features Andy Moro, the lead artist on the 20/20 Wavelength installation that graced the grounds last winter. His impactful message regarding the importance of cSPACE is complimented with intimate images of its tenants consumed in their craft and art installations throughout the space and city.

He also touched on a sentiment I have felt deeply since moving to Calgary ten years ago: “There seems to be a competitive layer that you see in other places that just does’t exist here. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt as warmly embraced and as welcome and as supported as I have here.” When I lived and created in other places, I never felt like my city even saw me, let alone encouraged me, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth here in Calgary.

Video: Roam Creative


Personalize With Prints


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